YOUR TIME IS NOW! | Abundance, Mindset, Life Coaching, Holistic Health & Clean Eating

E15: From Breakdown to Breakthrough: Letting Go of The Fear

Allison Fitzpatrick | Mind-Body Mentor Season 2 Episode 15

“As long as we continue to worry about what other people think of us and take action because of that fear, we just make ourselves smaller, and we hold ourselves back from greatness. We are actually stepping away from the opportunity to level up. We must take action in spite of the fear in order to grow.”

In episode 15 of Your Time Is Now, I am here to share with you an opportunity I had last week to level up and grow.  It was an absolutely incredible experience filled with lots of support and new and exciting ideas for my business. However, along with this breakthrough, I noticed that some emotions of my past that I had worked really hard to get through were coming back up again.

So, today I am going to be completely raw and real and give you the raw truth and some insight into what's been going on in my head lately. As well as, how I went through a powerful breakdown to breakthrough moment and the lessons I learned or re-learned from it.

In this episode:

  • Part of me felt like something had been missing in my business, but I didn’t know what
  • Letting go of the fear and resistance led to an incredible breakdown to breakthrough moment
  • We need to create the space for what's meant to come into our life
  • Why what others think of us doesn’t matter
  • You are always where you are meant to be

Resources from this episode

I mentioned a few previous episodes this time, you can catch up with them here:

Work with Allison

The Abundant Life Method Group Program

Abundant Life Method Self-Guided Program

One-on-One Mentorship Options:

Clean10 Program Details

Embrace, Empower & Evolve: A women's circle for growth and inspiration. Save your spot here: 
This in-person monthly event is designed to create a consistent and safe space for you to grow and evolve. A sanctuary where women will come together to embark on a journey of self-discovery

Connect with Allison
Instagram: @allison.elizabeth._
Facebook: The Clean Kitchen NH