YOUR TIME IS NOW! | Abundance, Mindset, Life Coaching, Holistic Health & Clean Eating

E18: My Favorite Tools to Help You Handle Hard Situations

Allison Fitzpatrick | Mind-Body Mentor Season 2 Episode 18

“The reality that you are experiencing, your own reality, is completely unique to you. So, what you are experiencing in one situation, someone else may have a completely different experience in the same exact situation. And the meaning you give situations affects what you attract, and how you perceive your reality.”

In episode 18 of Your Time Is Now, I am here to share with you some concepts and tools that can help you move through misunderstandings and hard situations, as well as view things that happened in your life differently.

By using them you can start to feel more ease in your life and to really cultivate better relationships, not only with those around you but with yourself as well.

In this episode:

  • Knowing what's worth spending your energy on and what's not
  • Having hard conversations and how to handle misunderstandings
  • How our brain works and how that affects the way we perceive our reality
  • How limiting beliefs are born and what to do when they show up

Work with Allison

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Connect with Allison
Instagram: @allison.elizabeth._
Facebook: The Clean Kitchen NH