YOUR TIME IS NOW! | Abundance, Mindset, Life Coaching, Holistic Health & Clean Eating

E27: Hiding Your Feelings? Pretending Everything’s Okay? How to Move through Grief & Loss

Allison Fitzpatrick | Mind-Body Mentor Episode 27

“Sadness will show up in our lives. And what I realized and questioned for myself was: Do we really allow ourselves to fully grieve these losses? Or do we just push some of these aside and pretend we are okay? Do we share our feelings with others and look for support? Or do we hold it in and again, just pretend everything's okay? (...) Do we allow ourselves to fully move through it?”

Becoming an empty nester has not been easy for me and September has been a month of reflection and grief.

During this last week of the month, I have been deep in the feels, my friends, and I felt a pull and a call to come on here and share what's been happening with me and my reflections about grief, loss, and sadness. So, here I am in this real, raw, and vulnerable episode of Your Time Is Now!

In this episode:

  • The week when it all really hit me
  • The importance of crying and releasing your emotions
  • Realizing I was holding in my grief over becoming an empty nester
  • Hiding your feelings and pretending everything’s okay doesn’t help
  • Finding people you can share your feelings with
  • The power of sisterhood and community - The Sacred Circle

Resources from this episode

If you are local or local-ish to Windham, NH, and want to feel the power of community and sisterhood join me and other incredible women for The Scared Circle October 2023 Event. If you won’t be able to participate this time but want to be the first to know about the next events, you can get on The Sacred Circle Waitlist here.

Want to know what I’m talking about when I say I’m just really loving myself through all of it? Catch up with Episode 25: Loving Yourself Through the Contrast in Your Life.

Remember that you’ve got to feel it to heal it! Catch up with Episode 4: You Have to Feel It to Heal It to find out more about why that is.

If you want to learn more about the significance of the Bluebird in my life, tune into Episode 20: Connecting with The Universe & Your Spiritual Guides.

Work with Allison
Holistic Health Mentorship
Breakthrough Call
Clean10 Program Details

Connect with Allison
Instagram: @allison.elizabeth._

Embrace, Empower & Evolve: A women's circle for growth and inspiration. Save your spot here: 
This in-person monthly event is designed to create a consistent and safe space for you to grow and evolve. A sanctuary where women will come together to embark on a journey of self-discovery

Connect with Allison
Instagram: @allison.elizabeth._
Facebook: The Clean Kitchen NH